Sunday, September 04, 2011

Another happy trader...

I received a nice testimonial yesterday from the person who was the first to purchase my e-book, towards the end of last year - as a beginner he has been able to avoid many of the mistakes that those new to trading make and is continuing to trade profitably. He is also a member in the forum and chat room. Remember, once you have become a member here you can download a free copy of the e-book, and hopefully be on the same journey to profitability and wealth as he is. Althernatively if you simply want to purchase a copy of the e-book, click here.

For other testimonials, click here.

"As a complete beginner when I came across Steve's blog, I was impressed at his results in his detailed trade log and after reading his blog posts for a month, immediately bought his book once it was released. Detailed within the book is his exact trading setup, it's simple and it works I wasted no time by starting using it on a real account, choosing my own trades on the scans, for some VERY LUCRATIVE gains in a trending market at December 2010. I followed this up with emails and one-on-one trading and to this day am trading profitably. I will continue using this for future trading and recommend this book to everyone who wants to trade profitably." Dan, UK

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