Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Training Seminar

I have been asked by a number of traders over the last few months whether I have considered holding a training seminar. Having given this some thought, and following the positive feedback from the 1-to-1 training sessions I have carried out, I am now seriously considering holding such an event. I envisage that this would be held over several hours covering the various aspects of trading I consider to be important, looking at lots of trading examples, with a Q&A session to finish.

No dates, location or cost have been decided, as I need to guage numbers of potential attendees. If you would like to attend such an event, please register your interest by contacting me at, advising where you are based and how far you would be prepared to travel, as I will use this to try and organise a suitable location.

Althernatively, as mentioned I do carry out, on request, 1-to-1 training in the comfort of your own home, or other suitable location. Click here for more details.

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