Thursday, May 23, 2013

Invest in your trading

I often come into contact with people who have incurred losses from previous trading or investment experiences, and who are wary of forking out money to receive training and the ongoing support I provide (or from any other mentor). 

While you can pick up ideas from simply reading trading material, it accelerates the learning process when you are able to discuss in detail any trading issues you may have, or to have a critical (but constructive!) eye cast over your trading history and performance. This is one of the reasons why I recommend that all traders maintain a record of their trades, as this can easily throw up areas of improvement.

Another question I'm often asked by new traders is "How much capital do I need to trade your system?".  I've trained and mentored traders who have accounts ranging from as little as £1,000 to up to €100,000. 

This means that those traders with little capital would risk no more than £20 per trade. This can easily be done if you trade via spreadbetting. Providing they utilise proper risk management, and do not overtrade, then in percentage terms the actual equity used should make little difference to the performance.

Providing you can ingrain good habits (particularly with regard to risk control) as early as possible, then it will stand you in good stead for when you do starting making profits. In theory your approach should be no different whether your account is £1,000, £10,000 or £100,000 or more. And when profits are being made, the cost of the training or mentoring will seem like a good investment which helped you along the way.

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