Friday, November 07, 2014

Some kind words

I was flattered to receive the following comment yesterday on this post from a reader:

"Top notch posts! :-) I've just recently started looking at your blog and some of your previous postings are most insightful indeed. Its very easy to find analyses and opinions online, but very difficult to find "trader psychology" advice that is actionable here and now. Kudos to you Sir."
The majority of what I write about here is loosely based on correspondence I have had with other traders, or from discussions with traders I am mentoring. These tend to act as a trigger for a topic to talk about. After all, those same issues may be affecting or impeding your performance too. Either way, hopefully they are thought provoking. 
While my own trading style is geared towards following trends, I know there are plenty of ways which can make money in the market. A quick flick through a book such as Market Wizards confirms this. However, all successful traders incorporate what I refer to as the core elements into their trading approach, and I would encourage you to do so as well.
We are all unique, with our own strengths and weaknesses. What may need emphasising for one trader may be second nature to another. Hopefully something written about on here can act as an 'A-ha!' moment for you, or act as a reminder of how important certain aspects or elements can be to you and your trading performance going forward. If I can help you identify and eliminate, or avoid some of the pitfalls in this game, then what I talk about has served its purpose.

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