Saturday, May 23, 2015

Join our trend following band of brothers!

2015 has started promisingly, both for myself and others in our mentoring group, despite a lack of direction in the major market averages. My own results are summarised here. Current members in our group are based in the UK, mainland Europe, the US, South America and Australia.

Over the course of a year, you will see how I trade myself using the trend following method, along with learning how I control both my risk and my emotions. You also get to see all the losing trades - as you can see here, I lose more often than I win, but end well up overall. How is this? Simple - by cutting losses and letting profits run, focusing on price, and by using good risk and emotional control.

So, if you are interested, then look at joining our trend following band of brothers.

But be warned - as shown on the mentoring page prices will significantly increase with effect from 01 June 2015.

Therefore if you wish to join at the current prices make sure sure you sign up before that date!

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