Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - a losing year

So that's 2016 in the book, and a losing year at that. This is my first losing year since 2011. The fact that I have lost less than five years ago shows to me that the changes I put in place in the early part of 2012 helped to limit those losses - together with the additional experience and education dished out by the market!

As I talked about here, even the most successful trend followers suffer the occasional losing year, so I am totally relaxed about it. It is what it is. I can't change what has happened, or the decisions I made - I can only go forward.

A few weeks back I wrote about how I had started gearing up for 2017, and I have already implemented one or two minor tweaks aimed at simplifying my own processes. Time will tell as to how they perform going forward. As it is, I have managed to get in a small number of trades since then which will hopefully give me a positive start to the new year.

Finally, while writing I would like to thank those of you who have taken the time to respond or comment on the articles I've posted, and to wish all readers of this blog a very Happy New Year.

Here's to a 'trendy' 2017!

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