Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Top 10 most read blog posts

It is amazing to me that, since starting this blog back in 2008, it has now received one million page hits.

The blog has morphed from initially being more of a diary of my own thoughts and my trading, to talking more about the general concepts involved in trend following.

While trading is one of the most popular keywords on any internet search, trend following is more of a niche area. To many, it is a marmite approach to the markets - you either love it or hate it.

To all those who have read the blog and have taken the time to contact me or post comments on the blog, I thank you. I hope what you have read has been of value.

It's been a while since I've done top 10 list type of post, but to commemorate reaching this milestone below are the top 10 posts in terms of page hits, in reverse order of their popularity. 

And it may (or may not) surprise you what the topic of the most popular post of all time is...!

And top of the pops is...

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